Friday, June 14, 2013

Ankara Activities and Favorites

Some of our Ankara activities and favorites have not appeared in previous posts so here is a potpourri of them.

The Bilkent Symphony Orchestra which plays just up the hill from our lojman.  We saw them several times and were always impressed

We both took a tennis class at Bilkent University and were playing (unfortunately) in this modified gym

There was rarely anyone in the seats to watch us.  The wooden floor (a new tennis surface!) was painted with lines for about ten different sports so it was hard to discern the blue lines, which meant tennis

Randy, otherwise known in the class as Buyuk Kral or Big King, enjoyed our twice weekly sessions with Huseyin

Huseyin admired Alice's serve (Thanks, Coach Mike!) but tried to change her forehand to one with more follow through

A really good Turkish red found at the wine shop in Eskisehir

Another one that is possibly even better, also bought in Eskisehir

Hilmi - this is the man to go for carpets in Turkey.  He is friendly, knowledgeable, fair and seeks out the best of new and vintage carpets from around the region.  We have bought from him since 2008 and always been happy

Hilmi shows David and Sarah Tate how to compare the carpets.  The Tates bought enough carpets to furnish their condo in Washington D.C.  Sam Sockwell also bought two amazing carpets for the large living room at Casa Sockwell in Auburn and Linda Strom, who lives in an efficiency apartment in Youngstown, Ohio, purchased only one carpet but it was a winner - a vintage geometric Persian tribal rug

This trip to Turkey we got no fewer than 17 carpets from Hilmi.  We have no idea where they will all go but some very lucky friends and family in the U.S. will be receiving a carpet souvenir.  Hilmi won't have to work again in 2013 with the revenues from us and our friends :-) 
Another place we liked was the JW Marriott, an ultra luxury hotel that is huge.  The spa there is wonderful and so is the rooftop cocktail lounge complete with Johnny Little , a jazz pianist from Chicago

The best baklava and borek can be found in Ankara at Haci Baba, on the Konya Road.  We got addicted to this high calorie treat

Some other favorites are the Bilkent University 49 Restaurant, especially dining on the terrace, REAL supermarket in Bilkent Center, the Bilkent 1 Apartment veterinarians, and our go to place for dining and drinking, the North Shield Pub at the Bilkent University Hotel (where we enjoyed a 30% discount on everything).  We also enjoy the North Shield each time we go to Istanbul as it is located adjoining our favorite hotel, the Cinar.

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